Student playing baseball.

March is here with a 62-day countdown to May 1, the National Day of Crossed Fingers. And from our Asheville view of early blossoms, it’s highly believable that spring is around the corner.

The student commitment date of May 1 has historically been the measuring rod of admissions success, but in recent years March 1 has proven to be its own benchmark for coming attractions.

We’re so proud of our partner schools and happy to be adding a thirty-first successful year to the books. One of our partner schools has already DOUBLED their class from last year (Here’s looking at you, Arizona!) and numbers are up and strong across the board. Here’s a look at where March 1 finds our client institutions:

How do you measure up? Here’s a checklist for plotting your success:

Funnel graphic/chart
  1. Run the numbers. How does your incoming class today need to change in the next two months?
  2. Inspire the admissions team. Before spring travel sets in, communicate with admissions counselors about best practices for seeing their students through the funnel.
  3. Build relationships as ties to campus. Are incoming students interacting with each other via admissions-hosted events or through online platforms? Consider upping your game with social media strategies and individualized communication techniques.

Could you use a hand? Contact us today: We can set up a brainstorming meeting and determine how to best use these 62 days to finish your admissions year on a strong and successful note.

Talk soon!


By Published On: March 1st, 2018Categories: Admissions Tips, Higher Education Search

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