It’s June. Summer is here. It’s time we begin revving up our strategies for the next enrollment cycle. But before we get into the weeds, we want to take a moment and shine a spotlight on one of the partners of The Parish Group, Eric Bryan.
What is your role at The Parish Group?
I’m the Vice President of Enrollment Strategies.
And when did you become a TPG team member?
I joined The Parish Group in 1997.
So you’ve had a lot of experiences with the company! What’s your favorite memory while being at The Parish Group?
I have many. The first college I signed, Newberry College. Our first HBCU, Morehouse College. Our first state institution, California University of Pennsylvania. Working on a Slate project in 2021 for Florida Southern College, 34 years after our first project with them. The list is long.
Do you have a favorite project you’ve worked on while you’ve been here?
Each project is unique, but the first search campaign we launched for High Point University in 1998, and the success we had, started the fundamental shift to become a more comprehensive marketing firm for our partner institutions.
Okay, we’re going to shift gears here. What would we most likely find you doing outside of work?
In my garage working on a vintage car/motorcycle, or in the yard working on landscaping projects.
For this last question, we’re going to zoom out a bit. What does higher education mean to you?
Higher education has enabled me to expand my knowledge on so many levels. Personally it has opened many doors and introduced me to some great mentors. For my work with colleges and universities, it set the stage of understanding for everything we do here at The Parish Group.