December is here and it’s beginning to look a lot like…. well, you know the rest. 

As we hit our last strides before the new year, we want to take a moment to feature one of our newer members, the voice behind the posts, our very own Julia Watson. 

What is your role at The Parish Group? 

I am the Social Media Manager. 

When did you join TPG? 

I joined The Parish Group crew in November of 2021. So I’ve just hit my one year mark!

What’s your favorite memory at The Parish Group? 

Honestly, my favorite memories are the little things: laughing with my co-workers so hard that I cry (which has happened an embarrassing amount of times), writing cryptic messages in our sand zen garden, or hiding our leftover-from-Halloween office skeleton in odd places. 

I genuinely appreciate how much effort TPG puts into making the office a great environment.  

What has been your favorite project you’ve worked on at The Parish Group? 

I’m a writer at heart, so researching and writing those longer-form blogs we have on our website is always a fun task. 

We’ve done some really fabulous blogs with insight from our client-partners. One that particularly sticks out to me is “Enrollment is No Longer a Proxy for Revenue” authored by Dr. Steve McKellips from our partner school, the University of Akron. Working Dr. McKellips to produce a thoughtful, metaphorically-rich piece was very rewarding. 

Really anything that lets me flex my creative writing skills is a good time in my book. 

What would we most likely find you doing outside of work? 

Lots of reading and writing poetry, doing editorial work for various literary magazines, or cuddling one of my three dogs. 

What does higher education mean to you? 

My mother always taught me that education is one of the few things in life no one can ever take from you, and that has always stuck with me. 

You get what you put in. And personally, higher education helped me find my passions.  

It also taught me that, despite what you hear about art degrees, there are various ways I can utilize the skills of my degree towards business, social media, and higher ed marketing!

Take that, art-nay-sayers! 

By Published On: December 5th, 2022Categories: Inside TPG

Welcome to the Block!

The block lockup.

We're The Parish Group. And we've been around the block.

Our goal is to share our knowledge through this blog. We welcome comments and feedback, and hope you’ll share your expertise in return. Because together we do BIG things.