Full Funnel Development
Building a Sustainable Enrollment Pipeline Through Strategic Outreach
Fayetteville State University (FSU) is a public HBCU in the University of North Carolina System, located in Fayetteville, NC, with a total undergraduate enrollment of roughly 5,600.

Reason for partnership
Fayetteville State sought to bolster multi-year student search and fulfillment programs to create sustainable increases to all phases of the enrollment funnel. Larger inquiry, applicant, and admit pools would allow for not only enrollment growth in first-year cohorts, but the eventual ability to further shape the class and recruit for right-fit and persistence.
“Working with The Parish Group has been transformative. Their expertise has significantly enhanced our efforts to grow our student population from first time freshmen through graduate students. We look forward to continuing our collaboration to keep students excited about joining Fayetteville State.”
TPG’s Approach
Identifying right-fit markets, expanding upon geographic search parameters, and building scaffolded levels of fulfillment communication – print, digital, and telecommunication – for senior, junior, and sophomore prospects helped jumpstart funnel growth for Fayetteville State. Continued down-funnel engagement for applicants, admits, and parents also supported an enhanced approach to moving Fayetteville State further up the first-choice institution ladder.

Year two (F23) saw that growth increase to 28.0% from year 1 (809 enrolled).
Beginning with a F21 baseline first-year cohort enrollment of 632, year one (F22) of the partnership saw an increase of 24.5% (787 enrolled) in the first-year cohort. Year two (F23) saw that growth increase to 28.0% from year 1 (809 enrolled) which constituted a new high-water mark for first-year enrollment. Year three of the engagement (F24) maintained the record pace of year two.