What an awesome year 2022 has been, and a busy one at that!
We’ve been fortunate enough to have one of TPG’s strongest years yet as we’ve expanded our partner school network, traveled around the country, and attended some of the best conferences in the higher ed business!
So please join us in a trip down memory lane as we journey through the past year.
The year certainly started out… chill, to say the least. As in winter chill.
Pack Square Park, where our office is located, even got a shoutout from The Weather Channel as the winter storm surged.
And surge it did!
Two years of the pandemic made us no stranger to remote work. Our in-office teams joined the ranks of our remote team and still started the year strong!
We braced the cold in February to celebrate the unveiling of the new mural on Eagle Street, right behind the TPG office.
We also made plenty of trips downstairs to satisfy our sweet tooth at The French Broad Chocolate Factory, located below The Parish Group office.
Thankfully, March thawed us out. It proved to be a fantastic month as we added a host of new partner schools to the TPG family, including:
University of Lynchburg in Virginia.
University of the Pacific in California.
Catawba College in North Carolina, where our photographers Meredith Rushing and Bill Parish conducted a campus photoshoot.
And Helms College in Georgia.
We also made our way north to Cleveland, Ohio for OACAC.
April started strong with another conference. This time, we headed south to Orlando for SACAC.
And of course with all the spring blooms, our photographers were hitting the road.
First stop, Fayetteville State University for their famous Rodeo Week.
Second stop: to our long-time partner school, Campbell University.
The month of May was all about summits. Our in-person and remote teams assembled at our home base in Asheville for The Parish Group’s internal summit.
Then we were off to Buies Creek, North Carolina to Campbell University for the Campbell summit.
As Janis Joplin once sang Summertime, time, time, child. The living’s easy.
In June, we welcomed back Saint Vincent College to The Parish Group.
It was also month of the Slate summit. Our team packed our cowboy boots and headed to Nashville, Tennessee.
Other team members opted for the sweet route towards Hershey, Pennsylvania for PACAC.
We soaked up the sun in July with great staff lunches outdoors.
We welcomed two new partner institutions to TPG in July.
Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia.
Notre Dame’s ACE program, as well as their Mary Ann Remerick Leadership Program.
As the new school year began, so did enrollment cycles.
In August, we added The University of Akron as a partner school.
Meanwhile, our staff conducted counselor trainings at Fayetteville State University.
We got to tour the facility of our trusted printing partner, Advantage Direct.
We also made a quick drive across the state to our partner school Methodist University.
Do you remember the 21st night of September? We were packing our bags to head to NACAC in Houston, Texas!
We took a trip to the ATL to visit our partner school, Morehouse College.
At the end of the month, we attended the 10 year anniversary of Lenoir-Rhyne University in Asheville. The Parish Group helped developed the original branding and messaging for this campus at its inception!
We took advantage of the beautiful autumn weather and shot two campus photography sessions.
Our first was at Catawba College.
Then we ventured to West Virginia to capture the “Campus Beautiful” that is Concord University.
We ended the month on a spooky note as we decorated the office for Halloween!
We gave thanks in November for our awesome staff and wonderful partner schools.
We were even lucky enough to add a new one as we welcomed West Virginia State University to The Parish Group!
Members of our team visited our partner school, the newly formed PennWest, who gave us some pretty sweet merch if we might add.
And here we are!
We’ve been lucky enough to add three new schools as partners this month.
Benedict College.
Mount St. Mary’s University, Los Angeles.
and Lenoir-Rhyne University.
With December’s proving to be one of our busiest months, we’ve still made sure to deck the halls and show our holiday spirit!
We can’t wait to see what 2023 brings!