Graphic of a student with a laptop, icon of university in the background, title reads "Effective Virtual Yield Strategies for higher ed."

It’s well known that students are more likely to enroll if they’ve visited a college’s campus. Getting students and their parent influencers on campus plays a crucial role in yielding these populations. 

While campus tours and preview days may be their only chance to experience the campus firsthand, finances and distances can impede their ability to attend. 

The Common App reported an average of 5.7 college applications per student for the 2022-2023 cycle, though it’s easy to find stories of students submitting upwards of 20 applications in this day and age. So let’s multiply that on-campus event by all the colleges a student plans to apply to. 

Visiting multiple campuses for these events may not be as feasible for some families. 

As higher ed marketers, we try to overcome this by creating and implementing strong yield strategies and sound communication plans. 

With more applications comes more admissions, and while this may seem positive, this typically leads to a decline in yield rates. Couple that with the short attention spans of our prospective students, and only the most relevant and timely communication will capture students’ interest.

To combat this, staying relevant, pertinent, and accessible is crucial.


Previously, we’ve explored the concept that it takes around seven interactions to truly capture someone’s attention. Navigating the majority of the funnel with your admitted students deserves high fives . 

However, a pivotal moment is now at hand.

Your new challenge? Maintaining relevance amidst the plethora of competing options—potentially four, eight, or even twenty other institutions vying for their consideration.

Admission counselors don’t just manage territories; they understand their institution’s strengths (and weaknesses) inside and out. Effective yield strategies require grasping what makes each student unique while showcasing how the institution can cater to their needs and aspirations.

This delicate balance requires finesse. It’s about understanding individual student preferences and highlighting how your school’s offerings align. 

Ultimately, the goal is to craft a narrative that effortlessly connects the right students with the right institutions. 

Yield is intertwined with retention, so we must ignite a sense of belonging that endures throughout the student’s four years on campus. 

After all, yield is only a step towards generating a well-fit freshman class and successful alumni down the road.


In the realm of relevance, pertinence adds an extra dimension: suitability. But what exactly makes something pertinent? 

Take, for instance, a first-generation student. Undoubtedly, they’re bombarded with messages about support and resources from various institutions. To truly be pertinent, enrollment managers must deeply and factually consider their institution’s strengths and weaknesses.

Crafting pertinent yield strategies starts with identifying what makes your institution suitable and unique. Against the flood of eerily similar resources touted by other schools, how do you stand out? 

The answer lives in not just communicating these attributes, but also providing students with direct access to the resources during the yield stage. After all, actions speak louder than words.


As highlighted earlier, it’s crucial to acknowledge that numerous students lack the means to attend multiple, or any, on-campus events. 

In today’s digital era, the importance of virtual yield programs needs exploring and enhancement.

Being available at the yield stage is multifaceted. While it could mean being there for the inevitable onslaught of questions that students have lingered on, it also means having accessible information to answer their yet-to-be-formed questions. 

So, what’s the key to making this magic happen? 


It’s about meeting students where they are, on their own terms. By embedding virtual events into platforms like their Slate application portal or launching targeted email campaigns, you’re empowering students to explore campus offerings at their own pace, without feeling pressured into a decision.

Think about it—they can dive into sessions on everything from financial aid to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, student-athlete experiences, and study abroad opportunities. These topics aren’t just buzzwords; they’re essential aspects of the higher ed landscape, and giving students the autonomy to delve into what matters most to them is key.

But here’s the real game-changer: hearing from the voices that matter most. 

Sure, admissions counselors can go through a slideshow about DEI efforts or the perks of being a student-athlete, but there’s nothing quite like hearing from those who’ve walked the walk. Whether it’s current students, alumni, or faculty and staff members sharing their stories, these personal insights add depth and authenticity to the virtual experience.

In a nutshell, virtual yield events aren’t just about showcasing your institution; they’re about empowering students to make informed decisions about their future. 

Virtual yield events allow you to embrace accessibility, amplify authentic voices, and pave the way for prospective students to see themselves thriving on your campus—all while breaking down barriers that prevent many students from stepping foot on campus.

Step into the World of Virtual Yield Strategies with The Parish Group

Whether it’s developing a communication campaign in Slate, designing print media, or offering credible advising, The Parish Group is your one-stop shop.

Our enrollment experts have a combined 100 years of experience in higher ed marketing and enrollment management. Let us be of service to you!

Reach out at or call our office at 828-505-3000 to learn more. 

Together we do BIG things. 

By Published On: April 29th, 2024Categories: Admissions Tips

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