We read a ton of emails every day regarding the higher ed landscape. We’re blessed to have student inquiries pouring in on behalf of our schools and we stay up-to-date with send lists from a host of institutions.
Having combed through so much data on a regular basis, we’re downright shocked at how many schools are blasting out messages without personality and without care or concern for our nation’s physical and economic health. Invitations to attend campus open houses and to schedule campus visits still hit our inboxes.
A shame, really, and a waste of precious budget dollars.
But wait, some say, the campaign still gets our name out there and it’s too much of a hassle or additional cost to revise the CRM flow or call the search vendor and update the messaging, right?
You know we’re all working from home now?
What the Data Says
Our data also shows a measurable uptick in the number of first send, non-responders who are now reviewing and clicking through previous emails. Many are changing their minds about where to apply and enroll.
We are going through a time that perceptions and needs are completely different. There are more questions than answers and your prospects are noticing more, asking more questions, and expecting more answers in a timely manner.
It is past time to reconnect with virtual resources, update your comm flow messaging to show you care, and let them know you are aware of their needs.
Our nation’s schools are all on different paths experiencing a different journey. Each of us will emerge from this crisis, in our own way.
It is very important to look beyond what is seen at first glance. It’s time to take a close look and really find out who’s asking and how you are answering those questions.
Don’t lose sight of what makes your school awesome. Reach out. And, reach out again. Your prospects want to hear from you!
The Parish Group is also unique in our community. You are working hard to be the best for your students, and we could be best for you.
Call us today. Together, we do BIG things.